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2014 - 2015 EVENTS



For this Christmas event, we rented the Trinity Center.  About 250 parents and children attended this event, even Saginaw's State Police came to join the fun. We gave away 165 new gifts to all the children, and served snacks and drinks to everyone. At the end we handed out clothing, shoes, games and toys.


Rented Trinity Center gym for three(3) hours and taught the children basketball. We set up different stations, teaching them the basics of basketball as they went from one station to another. Then we divided them up into and played half court teams. Afterwards there was plenty of food and drinks for them to replentish themselves.  


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MARCH 2015

Again we rented the Trinity Center gym for three(3) hours of running and basketball. As the children played, we handed out prizes plus served them food and drinks. The children had a GREAT time!


JUNE 2015

Family Fun Day! This was a fun day for the families. We had inflatables for the children jump and slide on. Had several different craft and game stations set up. Served hot dogs, snacks and drinks. There was LOTS of fun and laughter.

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JULY 2015 

BBQ Chicken Dinner. This dinner was sponsored by Amazing Grace Church from Wheeler, Michigan for the families. The dinner consisted of all the fixings.  Pastor Jolliff came and spoke with everyone. Many were touched by God and gave their life to the Lord that day. 


We gave away over 100 bicycles to the children. Many of the children were so excited to get a bike.  We were surprised at how many of the kids did not have bikes. Seeing the smiles of their faces makes it all worth while.


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Back to School Backpacks! With the help of Peace Lutheran School and Amazing Grace Church, we provided 200 backpacks to give to the children for the new school year. Each one was filled with school supplies and a new Bible. We are so thankful for everyone's help. 

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Halloween!   We gave every child a bag of candy. Everyone also received a toothbrush and toothpaste. We had hot dogs, drinks and gave train rides to all the smaller children.  It was LOTS of fun!

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Thanksgiving!  We were packed to brim and ready to bless over 125 families with a whole chicken, bread, canned food, stuffing and desserts.  It truely was a blessing!

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CHRISTMAS! What an amazing day! Thanks to Peace Lutheran School for making it possible for us to give away about 200 beautiful blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, Christmas cards and lots of snacks and candy. We also collected over 70 purses filled with special items, and gave them to the children so they could give them as gifts to their mom/grandma for Christmas.  They were so delighted!

© 2016 by Heart of Saginaw. 

CONTACT US:       Heart of Saginaw

11377 Swan Creek Road

Saginaw, MI  48609

(989) 284-4972

Questions?  Comments? Concerns?  Let us know.

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